The Lion program is intended for youth in Kindergarten. Due to their development at that age, the adventures are geared toward a lower attention span. They do however spark creativity, encourage activity, and are just all around fun when we approach them properly.
During this time of social separation, it can be easy to forget that children are extremely social beings who need constant input from family members, peers, and other adults. Cub Scouting offers a means to do this even when we can’t get together in person. Our Cub Crate plan is one way to get the adventure requirements, supplies, and such to your Lions and other Cubs. But there is a second piece – you, the adult partner! Your involvement is paramount to your Cubs success. That’s why an adult partner is required for ALL Lion and Tiger Cubs. You help them to learn how to follow directions, encourage them to participate, and assist where small hands may not yet have the coordination to complete activities by themselves.
For those families who want a challenge, here’s a Loyal Lion’s Challenge for Adventuring at Home! (thanks to the Look Wider Still website for this outstanding idea!)