Welcome to Cub Pack 4991!

We look forward to giving your youth the Scouting experience that they will take with them their whole life.
Andrew Trujillo | Cubmaster, Pack 4991
Danny Hall | Chartered Organization Representative, Rainy City Scouts

Please be sure to read through the below information. It includes our Welcome letter for both Parents AND Scouts. You’ll also find links to our Code of Conduct and Financial Agreement. Please be sure to let us know if you have any questions at all. You can do so by emailing us at info@rainycityscouts.org

We look forward to giving your youth the Scouting experience that they will take with them their whole life.
Andrew Trujillo | Cubmaster, Pack 4991
Danny Hall | Chartered Organization Representative, Rainy City Scouts

Please be sure to read through the below information. It includes our Welcome letter for both Parents AND Scouts. You’ll also find links to our Code of Conduct and Financial Agreement. Please be sure to let us know if you have any questions at all. You can do so by emailing us at info@rainycityscoutskitsap.org


Parents, thank you for taking the time to support your youth’s Scouting experience. For your convenience, the Pack has compiled a step-by-step process to introduce you to Scouting. Do not get overwhelmed with the number of training opportunities. Only one training, Youth Protection, is required BEFORE you begin, the rest can be done over time. Pack 4991 appreciates any time that you are willing to contribute.  Be sure to read the whole letter as steps 11 and 12 are required before you may join.

  1. Adult and Youth Applications – These forms can be requested from the Troop Committee Chair or you can Apply Online.
  2. Please take the time to go over How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse, A Parent’s Guide with your Scout. This can be found online or at the beginning of any new Scout handbook. This is a required discussion with your Scout each year. As your Scout grows and matures, so does their understanding of this topic.
  3. The most important step in this whole process is the protection of our Scouts. Please take the time to take BSA’s “Youth Protection” and a training called “This is Scouting” at site my.Scouting.org. You’ll need to set up a user ID and password; please make note of that user ID and password for future use.
  4. Your Scout will need to fill out parts A&B of the BSA physical before attending a camp out (adults too.) Further part C is required to be filled out by a doctor before attending any trip lasting more than 72 hours.
  5. Communication is key for a Pack. We communicate through an email list and Facebook. You will receive an invitation to SCOUTBOOK. From Scoutbook you will be added to our Pack 4991 email list. **IMPORTANT**
  6. Our Pack goal is to have an outing or activity outside the normal Den Meetings each month. Family Camp, Day Camp, Raingutter Regatta, Pinewood Derby, hikes, and more all require hands on to help make them happen. Please do not hesitate to volunteer to assist with these activities so that we can keep them a regular thing rather than a once in a while event.
  7. Once you know some fundamentals about Scouting, please let the Pack know what kind of expertise and skills you bring to the table, with our talent and interest form.
  8. If you are interested in a committee position the best way to get an idea of the responsibilities can be found with a training called the “Pack Committee Challenge” at the my.Scouting.org. If this is your cup-of-tea speak to the Pack’s Committee Chair at the next meeting. Or you can come to the next Committee meeting, which is always open to all parents. The times, dates, and locations of these will be announced and added to our Pack calendar.
  9. Den Leaders and Cubmasters are chosen from volunteers and approved by the Committee and COR. Once selected you will benefit from “Leader Position-Specific Training”, which is a live training put on by Peninsula Territory or available online. Our Pack Training Chair or Committee Chair can help you find the next one.
  10. For further training, the Pack recommends that you complete classes on the my.Scouting.org site, in the below order, making sure that you sign in with the same user ID so your Scouting profile logs your training: (Note – most are NOT required but can be extremely helpful and informative)
    • Youth Protection
    • This is Scouting
    • Fast Start (some positions have fast start that is position specific)
    • Pack Committee Challenge (for committee members)
    • Hazardous Weather
    • Safe Swim
    • Safety AfloatOnly Youth Protection is required BEFORE starting your position, take your time and complete the others at your leisure.
  11. It is important that we are all on the same page about finances. Our Pack strives to be one of the best funded in the Territory.  We would like to enjoy many of our trips and activities free of charge and all of them supplemented to an extent from one of our annual fundraisers we put on.  It is important that you take the time to review some of the financial obligations and expectations for the Pack and its families. This is located immediately below this notice.
  12. Finally, you and your Scout will need to review the Troop Code of Conduct Agreement. This will let you know what the Pack expects of you and your Scout.  This is important that we are all on the same page so we can all enjoy our time together.



Pack Resources

den meetings

  • Monthly Den Meetings are at a specific location or at a Scout’s home, as planned by the Den
  • Meetings include activities to progress toward rank awards, plus games, crafts, sharing, songs, ceremonies and lots of fun
  • Dens will sometimes have a monthly field trip activity
  • Dens are led by the parents of the Scouts in the Den. Two parents in each Den volunteer to serve as trained Co-Leaders

pack meetings

  • All of the Dens meet together as a Pack once each month
  • Meetings have various activities, including presentations of skits and achievement awards
  • Special events like the Pinewood Derby or Raingutter Regatta feature vehicles the Scouts make with their Dens or families

unit dues & scout account payments

day camp


pack gear

Light of Scouting

(Sung to the tune of Scotland the Brave)

We are the light of Scouting
We give flight to eagles
We are the light of Scouting though-out the world!

We’ll never be hiked under
We are the light of Scouting
Through-out the world.

Light of Scouting

(Sung to the tune of Scotland the Brave)

We are the light of Scouting
We give flight to eagles
We are the light of Scouting though-out the world!

We’ll never be hiked under
We are the light of Scouting
Through-out the world.